
Female Hormones Test

$ 180.00 AUD
$ 180.00 AUD
Check that your hormones and thyroid are in the normal range with our best-selling blood test. Hormones regulate your fertility, your mood, and energy.

Quick Results

Results in 24-48 hours

Number of Biomarkers

15 biomarkers
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What can this test tell you?

This test allows you to evaluate your hormonal health and establish your fundamental hormone levels.

Identifying any imbalances can assist you in determining if they might be the reason for:

  • Decreased libido
  • Reduced energy
  • Feeling down
  • Experiencing hot flashes and night sweats
  • Fluctuations in weight

What Biomarkers do we test?

How it works.

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Select your test

Order the test that suits you and your goals best. After ordering, you will instantly receive your referral by email.
A phlebotomist extracting blood from a bloody good man

Do your test

Attend one of our 2000 partner collections centres. Information about what to think about before taking the test will be sent by email.
Blood Test results on an iphone

Get your results

View your personalised results via your own secure and private login.

Test Instructions

When's the best time to take this test?

Aim to take this test two to five days after you start your period (count the first day of bleeding as day 1). The most optimal time is on day 3 of your cycle as that's when we can get the most accurate information from your results.

Take this test first thing in the morning, between 6-10 am.

If your periods don't come regularly:

It's a good idea to wait until you have a period before taking the test as this helps us get the most useful information for you.

If you're not getting your period at all:
You can still take the test whenever, but it might be a bit trickier for us to figure out what your results mean

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What happens after I order a test?

Welcome to Bloody Good Tests — your health hub. Here, you can peek at your test outcomes, get easy explanations of each health marker, watch your health trends, and safely stash your medical history, lifestyle details, and crucial stats.

It's everything you need to keep your health on track, all in one spot!
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